Tag Archives: Contest

N.T. – A commercial

I filmed the clip “N.T.” (N.T. is a phonetic wordplay for the German word for duck) in the context of the Ehre und Karriere contest 2008. 17 companies, among them Sony, Mini and Bacardi organized a competition for creative filmmakers, producing their own commercials. Visit ehreundkarriere.de for further information. With over 700 contestants participating, we reached the shortlist (Top 14) but unfortunately didn’t win a prize.
Our clip is based on my idea for the wheat brand “Snow Wheat” and was filmed with the Sony HC7E and my camera crane.

Patrick Herrle (cast) | Nicolas Rocker (assistant, set) |
Philipp Hasper (director, filming, editing) | Michael Donner (music) |
Snow Wheat (bread) | rye bread (stunt bread) |

I need H.E.L.P

I need H.E.L.P. (High-End-Lautlos-PC – translates into High-End-Silent-PC) is a jump&run-game telling the story of a poor computer modder fighting against out-dated technology to reach his aim – the H.E.L.P. .

The game was created during a creativity competition managed by CHIP-Online. They assembled six different personal computers (a gaming pc, a home theater pc, …) and asked their community to apply for one of them in a creative way. I need H.E.L.P. was my application for the “Lautlos-PC” (a completely passive cooled and therefore almost soundless computer).
Accidentally I won this computer. My complete application (in German) can be found here. The game is compatible with Wine.

I need H.E.LP. Screenshot 1 I need H.E.LP. Screenshot 2 I need H.E.LP. Screenshot 3